
Camp Wendy Turns 100 this Year!

Happy Birthday, Camp Wendy! This historic camp, themed after the fairy tale of Peter Pan turns 100. In 1923 Marion Borden, of Borden Dairy provided land for the Girl Scouts of Ulster County to camp. That property became Camp Wendy, serving thousands of Girl Scouts over the last hundred years. Efforts are underway to restore this gem, so reach out if you can help.

Also, save the date for a celebration – September 29- October 1. Plans are being made for an Alumni event, Girl event, and a Gala. We hope you can come celebrate with us, volunteer or be there in spirit!

Girl Scouts Heart of the Hudson are running a CAMPaign to support some needed upgrades to the camp Dining Hall, you can choose to contribute to Wendy by visiting this page: and selecting “Girls Love CAMPaign Challenge – Camp Wendy” under Designation.

Clover is a lifetime Girl Scout, avid outdoorswoman, and advocate for children.

One Comment

  • Wendy Josephs

    I was a troop leader in the 90s and am thrilled to see this camp dedicated to the Girl Scouts ! Even more since it ( and I) were named from Peter Pan!

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